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Tuesday 20 March 2012

Toffee with Almonds and Dark Chocolate

First of all, let me confess that I am not particularly fond of's usually gooey, sticky, and so tooth-achingly sweet that it ruins the palate for any other foods.  Though Almond Roca (or See's Toffee-ettes, for that matter)...well, that's a complete different breed.  Turns out this classic candy only requires a few simple ingredients and can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes!

Candy-making can be intimidating at first, I mean, sugar boiling menacingly at 200 degrees, threatening to cause second-degree burns, it certainly scared me!  As boiling sugar is in fact very dangerous, use extreme caution and do not take your eyes off the stove, as sugar has the tendency to go from luscious caramel to black and burnt in about 2 seconds.  The up side? Since the toffee is freshly made, it is crisp without being too hard, and you are at liberty to coat them with the chocolate and nuts of your choice.  I used 70% dark chocolate and it gave a nice bitter contrast to the sweet toffee.

Toffee with Almonds and Dark Chocolate
makes about 40 pieces

4 oz butter
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon light corn syrup
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup almonds, roughly chopped
1 cup almonds, finely chopped
8 oz dark chocolate

Prepare two 4 X 6 loaf pans by lining with parchment paper and spraying with non-stick cooking spray.

Melt butter in a small saucepan over medium-high heat.  Add the brown sugar, corn syrup and salt.  Stir until sugar is smooth and melted.  Set candy thermometer and boil until it reaches 290°F (143°C).

Remove saucepan from heat as soon as it reaches temperature and stir in 1/2 cup of roughly chopped almonds.  Pour mixture evenly into the two prepared loaf pans. 


Let the toffee set for 3 minutes.  Remove the toffee, with parchment, from the loaf pan.  With a sharp knife, cut into thin strips, about 1/2 inch by 2 inches.  Let cool for another 2 minutes.  Go over the cuts once more with a knife.  Set toffee aside and let cool completely, about 15 minutes.


Meanwhile, line a baking sheet with parchment paper.  Chop the chocolate into even-sized pieces.  Place in a medium heat-proof bowl, set over double-boiler and melt chocolate over medium heat.  Lay out the finely chopped almonds in a large plate.  Working with one piece at a time, coat each toffee strip with chocolate, then roll in chopped almonds until fully coated.  With a fork, remove candy from nuts and set on prepared baking sheet to cool.  Repeat with the rest of the toffee.  If chocolate hardens before all the toffee has been coated, return to double-boiler to melt.  Refrigerate the tray of coated toffee for 10 minutes to harden.  Store in an airtight container at room temperature.



  1. Hi.I tried this with no good results because the butter with the sugar didn´t mix. I added Soy Lecithin spoon into the mix while in the heat, this is an emulsifier that allow the butter mix with the sugar. Also added Baking soda spoon once removed the saucepan from the heat and mix quickly, then put the mix into the loaf pan and go on with the process.

  2. The Allnuts nut shop is a traditional Belgian company, with more than 20 years of experience in the nut industry. We know better than anyone that you place a high priority on quality and freshness. Our nuts are therefore selected for you with an eye for quality.We have our own roasting house where our nuts are roasted (and salted). We also put our mixes together according to our preferences. Furthermore, we also preserve products such as apricots, plums and figs Notenshop

  3. Almonds are one of the healthiest nuts and packed with vitamins and minerals. Do you want to buy almonds online? You can order almonds at Allnuts! Almonds are among the best known types of nuts that exist. These nuts are used in pastries, cookies and of course also in sugar. Most people are therefore able to recognize these notes by their color and their shape. In addition to whole fruits, almond powder and almond flakes are often used. Amandelen

  4. Almonds are good for health. If these healthy almonds combine with dark chocolate then its yummy. I really like almond chocolate toffee
